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MLS Export Setups Instructions
Setting up your MLS Export function is a necessary step for the software to correctly read in the data from your search. The step-by-step instructions are listed by state and area.

The Online Interactive User Guide
This online resource dives deep into the functions of the software and helps guide you to learn every button, option and format capability of the Focus 1st Real Estate Pricing Software.


To find your activation code follow the instructions below:

Login to Your Account.
Click Login and Enter Your Email and Password. Your Activation code is on the home page you will see once you've logged in under Step 2. 

*If you need to reset your password, click the link and follow the steps. If you’re still having trouble logging in, reach out to us to verify your email.

If you’ve logged in but don’t see an activation code:
You most likely have a past invoice that had a billing issue and has set your account to inactive. Check you have a subscription still on your account. Click your account. Click on subscriptions. If you don’t see a subscription, that means you don’t have one. You can reach out to us at to get started.
If you have a subscription, check to see if you have a past due invoice following these steps.
Click your account. Click on invoices. If you have a past due balance, click to pay it and bring your account up to date.

If you don’t have an unpaid invoice:
Reach out to us at

If your software is telling you there is a Run Time or Ribbon Control Error follow the steps below to fix this issue.

Fix: Ensure you enabled Macros.
Close and re-open the software. If you're using a Mac, make sure to right click and quit the application to fully close Excel. Make sure to click Enable Macros on the dialog box that opens (Mac OS) or the alert bar on top (PC).

Fix: Check your Microsoft 365 account is signed in correctly.
With the software open we first will check that your Microsoft Excel is signed into. To check you are signed in, click File on the top bar, then New from Template. On the next window that opens you should see your initials in the top left corner. If you don't, and only is a person icon, click on it and sign in.

If you see your initials, then go ahead and click on it. It will open a panel that shows the email you're signed in with. Verify that is the account that you have the full access on Microsoft 365.

Fix: Make sure you're not using a Previous Version of the Software
With updates to the software to reflect MLS changes you may have more than one version of Focus 1st Pricing on your computer. You may have accidentally opened a previous version of the software you saved to your computer, not the newest one. To ensure this is not the case we recommend:

- Remove all old versions from you computer.

- Login to your account and download a new version.

- Open it and enable macros.

If you're still having this error after attempting these fixes, reach out to us at

If your software is telling you there is a Status Column Error follow the steps below to fix this issue.

Fix: Ensure You Don't Have the Wrong MLS Choice
You may have chosen the wrong MLS from the dropdown menu. To reset your MLS choice, follow these steps.

- Close the software. Remember on Mac to right click and Quit Excel on the application icon at the bottom.

- Re-open the Software and click enable Macros on the dialog box that opens (Mac OS) or the alert bar on top (PC). 

- On the ribbon on top Click Settings, then click the Reset MLS Choice button, then click OK.

- Click Start Here, Select Your MLS and select your area.

Fix: On Mac: Check If You Opened the File in Numbers First
If you opened the export file on your Mac by clicking on it or selecting it from the downloads dropdown, it will reformat it and make it not work in the Focus 1st software. If you did this, you will need to re-export the file. Remember to open it only by using the Start Here button in the software.

Fix: Check that your MLS is setup correctly.
Sometimes your MLS setup may need to be redone if you’ve been using it for sometime. If you haven’t used the software long, there may have been a mistake in your setup. Please refer to the MLS export instructions here and re-setup your MLS Export.

Fix: It's Possible MLS Changes Have Happened
If none of the above steps are working, most likely your MLS has changed their settings. To fix this we will need to set up a meeting with you to update our configuration. Please reach out to us at

If your software is telling you there is Not Enough Data/No Sold Data that means that something went wrong with either your search or the MLS export file. Follow the steps below to fix this issue.

Fix: Redo Your Search and Make Sure to Include All Status In Search and Other Recommended Data.
Remember that in your search you need to include all status activity. The software will filter out the unneeded information, but you must include it all for the patterns to calculate correctly. Make sure your search includes the recommended data, all status, 2 years and not restricting by =/- 10%.

Fix: Ensure You Don't Have the Wrong MLS Choice
You may have chosen the wrong MLS from the dropdown menu. To reset your MLS choice, follow these steps.

- Close the software. Remember on Mac to right click and Quit Excel on the application icon at the bottom.

- Re-open the Software and click enable Macros on the dialog box that opens (Mac OS) or the alert bar on top (PC).

- On the ribbon on top Click Settings, then click the Reset MLS Choice button, then click OK.

- Click Start Here, Select Your MLS and select your area.

Fix: On Mac: Check If You Opened the File in Numbers First
​If you opened the export file on your Mac by clicking on it or selecting it from the downloads dropdown, it will reformat it and make it not work in the Focus 1st software. If you did this, you will need to re-export the file. Remember to open it only by using the Start Here button in the software.

Fix: Check that your MLS is setup correctly.
Sometimes your MLS setup may need to be redone if you’ve been using it for sometime. If you haven’t used the software long, there may have been a mistake in your setup. Please refer to the MLS export instructions here and re-setup your MLS Export.

Fix: It's Possible MLS Changes Have Happened
If none of the above steps are working, most likely your MLS has changed their settings. To fix this we will need to set up a meeting with you to update our configuration. Please reach out to us at

Check Your Area for New MLS Instructions
If you’re having issues with your MLS Export check our instructions as they are updated periodically as your MLS updates and changes. There are also multiple versions of an areas MLS at times. Click here to check the instructions.

I'm Having Trouble and Can’t Get It Working
If you are having trouble and can’t get it working, please reach out to us and setup a meeting. We want to help you get this awesome tool working. Reach out to us at

If you’re stuck with getting the software downloaded, activated or the MLS Setup please connect with us. We want to help you get started! Reach out to us at

I’ve got the software downloaded, but I don’t know what to do next...

Take advantage of the instant value of the FHFA Graphs.
The FHFA graphs are a great visual that you can use to create connection with clients and start conversations that lead to business. The best part of these graphs is that they are pre-made and can be used easily with our email template. Utilizing this resources will create a need for Real Estate Reviews and CMAs, so make sure you're learning with the included classes to be ready for this new business.

Download Your FHFA Area Graphs.
Login to Your Account --> Click the Resources Tab --> Click the FHFA Navigation --> Open Your Area's Graph --> Download the Graph(s)

Download the FHFA Emailing Template.
Login to Your Account --> Click the Resources Tab --> Click the Reviews Navigation --> Open the FHFA Email Template Option --> Download the Template --> Customize the Text --> Copy the Text Into an Email --> Send the Email & Graph to Clients

Watch & learn with the classes to master Real Estate Reviews and the New CMA.
The most important part of any great tool is learning how to use it properly. This is why we created in depth classes to help you master the main two use for the Focus 1st Pricing software; Real Estate Reviews and Competitive CMAs. Take action and master these processes fast and see results.

Watch the Classes & Download the Resources
Login to Your Account --> Click the Online Courses Tab --> Do the Real Estate Reviews Class. Start Using Reviews to Create Business. --> Do the New CMA Class & Start Master Competitive Positioning.

Contact Support

Reach Out To Us
If you are having technical issues or having trouble with your account information or payments, please call us or use the form below and we will gladly help you!


Start a Support Ticket

If the resources above are unable to help solve your issue, please reach out to us using the form below. Please provide as much detail both about the issue as well as additional context such as your MS office version.